Post-Install actions

To ensure GFI MailEssentials scanning and filtering system is effectively up and running, perform the following post-install actions:

Action Description

Add GFI MailEssentials scanning engines to the Windows DEP Exception List.

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a set of hardware and software technologies that perform memory checks to help prevent malicious code from running on a system.

If you installed GFI MailEssentials on an operating system that includes DEP, you will need to add the GFI MailEssentials scanning engine (GFiScanM.exe) and the Kaspersky Virus Scanning Engine (kavss.exe) executables.


This is required only when installing on Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 SP 1 or SP 2.

For more information refer to Add engines to the Windows DEP Exception List.

Launch GFI MailEssentials Configuration Go to Start > Programs > GFI MailEssentials > GFI MailEssentials Configuration.
Enable Directory Harvesting Directory harvesting attacks occur when spammers try to guess email addresses by attaching well known usernames to your domain. The majority of the email addresses are non-existent. This filter is enabled by default if GFI MailEssentials is installed in an Active Directory Environment. For more information refer to Directory Harvesting.
Enable Greylist The Greylist filter temporarily blocks incoming emails received from unknown senders. Legitimate mail systems typically try to send the email after a few minutes; spammers simply ignore such error messages. This filter is not enabled by default. For more information refer to Greylist.
Configure Whitelists The Whitelist contains lists of criteria that identify legitimate email. Emails that match these criteria are not scanned by anti-spam filters and are always delivered to the recipient. For more information refer to Whitelist.
Test your installation After configuring all post-install actions, GFI MailEssentials is ready to start protecting and filtering your mail system from malicious and spam emails. Test your installation to ensure that GFI MailEssentials is working properly.

For more information refer to Test your installation.