Configuring anti-spoofing in Kerio Connect

About Anti-spoofing

Spammers can "spoof" your email address and pretend their messages are sent from you.

To avoid such possibility, enable anti-spoofing in Kerio Connect.

First, configure anti-spoofing for your server. Then, enable anti-spoofing for each domain.

  1. Go to the Configuration > Security > tab Sender Policy section.
  2. Select the User must authenticate in order to send messages from a local domain option.
  3. Kerio Connect can automatically Reject messages with spoofed local domain.


See the Security log for information about the rejected messages.

  1. Click the sender policy link to see which types of addresses are available to your users.

  1. Define a group of trusted IP addresses.
  2. Click Apply.

For more information about other security features in Kerio Connect, read Securing Kerio Connect.

Enabling anti-spoofing per domain

  1. In the administration interface, go to the Configuration > Domains section.
  2. Double-click a domain and go to tab Security.
  3. Select the Reject messages with spoofed sender identity option . If the option is not available, you haven't configured anti-spoofing for the server. Click the security settings link, which takes you to the appropriate section.

  1. Click OK.