Uninstalling Kerio Connect

Windows operating system

You can uninstall the Kerio Connect through Control Panel using the standard uninstall wizard.


Decide whether you wish to delete also the data store and configuration files of Kerio Connect. The uninstall wizard offers an option to keep them.

Mac OS X operating system

You can uninstall Kerio Connect through Kerio Connect Uninstaller. It is available in the installation package of Kerio Connect (your current version).


Decide whether you wish to delete also the data store and configuration files of Kerio Connect. The uninstall wizard offers an option to keep them.

Linux operating system — RPM

You can uninstall Kerio Connect using the following command:

# rpm -e kerio-connect (for standard Kerio Connect)


During uninstallation, only file from the original package and unchanged files are deleted. The configuration files, data store and other changed or added files will be kept on your computer. You can delete them manually or use them for future installations.

Linux operating system — DEB

You can uninstall Kerio Connect using the following command:

# apt-get remove kerio-connect (for standard Kerio Connect)


During uninstallation, only file from the original package and unchanged files are deleted. The configuration files, data store and other changed or added files will be kept on your computer. You can delete them manually or use them for future installations.

To uninstall Kerio Connect completely including the configuration files, use command:

# apt-get remove --purge kerio-connect (for standard Kerio Connect)