VRRP Configuration
The Exinda SD-WANSoftware-Defined Wide Area Network has an option to configure VRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol), which is designed to increase the availability of the default gateway-servicing hosts on the same subnet. By default this feature is disabled but can be enabled on the Admin tab.
VRRP configuration
VRRP mode can be configured to be either as master or slave depending on which physical router is doing the actual routing. In case of failure of the master router, the slave router which was configured as a virtual router automatically replaces it. VRRP ID is the Virtual Router Identifier (VRIDVirtual Router Identifier), which uniquely identifies each virtual router in the subnet. This is a configurable item in the range 1-255 (decimal) and has no default value.
VRRP Priority is an 8-bit unsigned integer field with higher value indicating higher priority. The master should be given the highest priority. Care should be taken in configuring this field as the master should always be given highest priority compared to the slaves or this could cause instability in the network. Virtual IPInternet protocol is the IP address of the Exinda SD-WANWide Area Network device depending on which interface is connected to the subnet.
Here is an example setup:
Example of VRRP setup