Lotus Domino Anti Spam Folder Configuration
- From Lotus Notes Administrator, create a database with the normal MAIL85.NTF template, that is used as the public folder. When the database is created, right click the database from the files section and select Access Control. Configure the user or group or server to have access on the database.
Create a new database
- Convert the database using the server console by typing:
load convert -e -h mail\public.nsf
Command should display the following results.
Load convert result
- On completion, ensure that the database is accessible from IMAP service. From the Lotus Notes Administrator, go to Configuration, and select the Files tab. Highlight the database of the public folder, click Edit, select Copy as Link and click Application Link.
Copy to the clipboard a link to the current application
- From the configuration, go to Messaging Settings and select IMAP tab.
Include all public and other users’ folders when a folder list is requested
- Select Public and Other Users’ Folders tab. Right click and paste on the Public Folders Database Links and enable the Include all public and other users folders when a folder list is requested’.
- Save and close the document.
New mail-in database
- From the Lotus Notes Administrator, configure the folder for mail usage. Go to People and Groups and select Mail-In Database. Create a new Mail-in Database and in the whole directory path enter the full path (for example, Mail\public.nsf).
- Save and close the document.
- From the GFI MailEssentials web interface, expand AntiSpam and select AntiSpam Settings.
- On the right hand pane, select Public Folder Scanning tab and select Enable Public Folder Scanning.
- From the IMAP configuration section, enter the IMAP server (your Lotus Domino server, Port and the credentials of the user to access the folder).
The test button will not function.
- Click Apply to save modifications.
Enable Public Folder Scanning
- From the registry , change values to use this function. From the registry select
and create the following Key String Value as follows:
SharedNamespace Public Folders\\Public Folder
FolderDelimiter \\
See also: