Adding users one-by-one

Follow the add user wizard to add one new user:

1. From the GFI FaxMaker Online console, go to UsersAccounts configured in GFI FaxMaker Online that can send and receive faxes. node.

2. Click Add Users.

3. In the Create User tab, User details dialog, specify the basic options of a user:

Option Description
First name

The user's first name.

The first name, together with the surname, is used in notification messages, reports and for populating a coverpage's sender name field.


The user's surname.

The surname, together with the first name, is used in notification messages, reports and for populating a coverpage's sender surname field.

Fax CSIDCall Subscriber Identification. (Optional) The Called Subscriber Identification is a custom name or number that the recipient sees when this user sends a fax.
DepartmentA collection of settings that can be applied by default to new users. Select to which department the user belongs.

Click Next.

4. In the Faxing Settings dialog, configure:

Option Description
No Fax numberA software-based (FoIP) dedicated fax number. Required Select this option if user can send but not receive faxes. Such users are not assigned a fax number.
Choose Fax Number

Select a fax number to assign to this user.

Sending email

Specify the email address from where the user sends faxes.

GFI FaxMaker Online only processes emails received from email addresses specified in this field.

Receiving method

Choose how to receive faxes:

  • Receive fax using email (default option): Received faxes are forwarded via email to the address specified in Receiving email.
  • Use Inbound Web Service: Use this option only when retrieving faxes from the GFI FaxMaker Online servers using a third-party application via API.

For more information refer to Receiving faxes.

Receiving email

Specify the email address where GFI FaxMaker Online forwards faxes received by this user.

Fax Format

Select the format of the fax to use when receiving a fax.

GFI FaxMaker Online converts the received fax content to the selected format and attaches the file to an email addressed to the Receiving email.

Fax Page Separation

When enabling this option, each fax page is processed as a separate file.

Users receive each fax page separately in the chosen fax format.

Click Next.

5. In CoverpageA page containing information attached and sent as the first page of a fax. This page is customizable and can contain company logo, sender and recipient information, fax details and more. Preferences dialog, configure the coverpage to use when user sends faxes. A coverpage is sent as the first page of a fax and includes various fax details, such as a custom message, recipient and sender’s information. Configure the following options:

Option Description
Coverpage file Select coverpage to apply from the list of coverpages.
Upload Coverpage

Click Browse to upload a new coverpage. For more information refer to Creating a coverpage.

Automatic Coverpages Adds the selected coverpage with all faxes sent by the user.
No Coverpages Does not include a coverpage with outgoing faxes.
With Body Text A coverpage is only added if the email sent by the user includes a body. If the email contains only an attachment, the coverpage is not included.

Click Next.

6. In Notification settings dialog, configure the conditions when GFI FaxMaker Online sends email notifications.

Option Description
Email to Fax Initial Notification (Success) Send an email notification when an email is successfully processed for fax transmission.
Email to Fax Initial Notification (Failure) Send an email notification when GFI FaxMaker Online fails to process an email for fax transmission.
Email to Fax Delivery Notification (Success) Send an email notification when a fax is successfully delivered to its intended recipients.
Email to Fax Delivery Notification (Failure) Send an email notification when GFI FaxMaker Online fails to deliver a fax to its intended recipients.

Click Next.

7. In the Date Format dialog, configure the date and time settings according to the user's regional location and preferences. These settings are used by GFI FaxMaker Online to display the fax transmission date and time, in the correct format.

Option Description
Time zone Select the location time zone.
Date format

Select the preferred date format.

  • M - the numerical value of a month.
  • MM - the numerical value of a month displayed in double digits. For example, January is displayed as 01.
  • d - the day number.
  • dd - the day number displayed in double digits. For example, 3rd January is displayed as 03.
  • yy - the year in two digits. For example, 2013 is displayed as 13.
  • yyyy - the year displayed in four digits.
Time format

Select the preferred time format.

  • h - the hour value in 12-hour clock format.
  • hh - the hour value displayed in double digits, using the 12-hour clock format.
  • tt - indicates morning - am or afternoon - pm.
  • H - the hour value in 24-hour clock format.
  • HH - the hour value displayed in double digits, using the 24-hour clock format.
  • mm - the minutes value.

Click Finish to create the user.

Added users are notified via email that they can use the GFI FaxMaker Online service. They are also provided instructions on how to create an account password to start using the mobile apps. For more information refer to User credentials.