Customizing logo on Kerio Control login page, denial pages and user alerts

Kerio Control allows you to customize a logo, page title and favicon on:

  • the login page that allows your users to access to the Internet
  • denial pages
  • user alerts

Login pages for access to Kerio Control administration and Kerio Control Statistics and Reports are not influenced.

Changing a logo

You can change the logo, follow these steps:

  1. In the administration interface, go to Advanced Options.
  2. On the Web Interface tab, check the Use custom logo on login page, denial pages and user alerts option.
  3. To change the title of the page, type the new title to the Page title field.
  4. To change the logo, click the Change button (The recommended size is 300 x 60px.).
  5. To change the favicon, click the Change button next the favicon preview. Favicon is the icon in the tab header of the login page.

The Kerio Control login page has now the new logo.