Managing GFI MailSecurity

The GFI MailSecurity service protects your inbound emailEmail to be received. from viruses, filters out spam and provides mail monitoring features.

This section guides you through the process of configuring the Security service of GFI MailSecurity.

You can access the configuration console and log in to GFI MailSecurity using your administrator account provided.

When login is completed, the service provides three roles. Choose the role depending on the feature to configure or monitor:

Role Description

Options related to your user's mailbox:

DomainAddress or URL of a particular network. Administrator

Manages a distinct domain/organization email security settings:

  • Configure Blacklist & Whitelist entries for the organization
  • Manage organization's quarantine
  • Generate mail usage reports at organization-level
Domain Group Administrator

Manage a set of distinct domains/organizations email security options:

  • Configure mail filtering options for protected domains
  • Configure Blacklist & Whitelist entries for the organization
  • Custom mail filtering policies for individual users
  • Manage organization's quarantine
  • Generate mail usage reports at organization-level

To switch the role, click the Role field in the top right corner and select the new role.

The top-right corner section where to change role and domain

Topics in this section: