
The GFI MailSecurity QuarantineA email database where emails detected as spam and/or malware are stored in a controlled enviornment. Quarantined emails are not a threat to the network provides a central store where all emails detected as spam or malwareAll malicious types of software that are designed to compromise computer security and which usually spread through malicious methods. are retained. This ensures that users do not receive unwanted messages in their mailbox and processing on the mail server is reduced.

Administrators and end-users can review quarantined emails by accessing the quarantine interface from a web browser. GFI MailSecurity can also send regular quarantine email reports to end-users to review their blocked emails.

This chapter describes the quarantine management system, and how the administrator manages the organization's quarantined messages. End-users can also review their personal quarantine.

Note that emails get quarantined only when GFI MailSecurity is configured to quarantine blocked emails. The action taken can be customized by the Administrator from the DomainAddress or URL of a particular network. Policies and from User Policies