Connecting to Kerio hardware appliances with a serial console
Connecting to the Kerio Control hardware applianceKerio Operator installed and delivered with standardized and tested hardware box. through a serial console can help you in the following cases:
- Broken network access to the hardware appliance due to configuration mistakes or network hardware issues (both from the box and network switch sides)
- Direct access to the Linux shell
- You need to see the boot sequence from the hardware appliance
- Access to BIOS
Setting a communication through a serial console
The connection uses these settings:
- Speed: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- Stop bit: 1
- Parity: none
- Flow control: none
Accessing BIOS
The connection uses these settings:
- Speed: 115200
- Data bits: 8
- Stop bit: 1
- Parity: none
- Flow control: none
Use the instructions for your operating system to create these settings:
To connect to the hardware appliance, you need a special application such as PuTTY or RealTerm. Here are the steps for RealTerm:
- Install RealTerm on your computer.
- Attach the serial cable to the hardware appliance and to your PC.
- Run RealTerm.
- On the Display tab, select ANSI.
- Click the Port tab and make the following selections there:
- Baud: 9600
- Parity: None
- Data Bits: 8
- Stop Bits: 1
- Hardware Flow Control: None
- Click Change.
Before logging on to your hardware device, click Clear.
Now, you can log in to your hardware device as root. Use the admin password for verification.
To connect to the hardware appliance, you need a special terminal software such as minicom. Here are the steps for minicom:
- Install the minicom application.
- Type the following command at the shell prompt:
$minicom -s
- In the menu, select Serial port setup.
- Type A.
- In the A section, type the interface: TTYS0. If you use an USB-to-serial adapter, select USB instead.
- Press Enter.
- Type E.
- In the E section, type CQ.C: 9600 baud, Q: 8 bits, parity: none, stop bit: 1.
- Press Enter.
- Type F and set it to No.
- Press Enter to save the configuration.
- Return to the main menu.
- Select Exit.
Now, you can log in to your hardware device as root. Use the admin password for verification.
To connect to the hardware appliance, you need:
- USB to Serial adapter with the FTDI chipset directly supported by OS X.
- Special terminal software such as CoolTerm.
Here are the steps for CoolTerm:
- Put the serial cable to the hardware appliance and also to your Mac with the USB to Serial adapter.
- Open CoolTerm.
- In the Serial Port section, select the USB adapter as port.
- Baudrate: 9600.
- Data Bits: 8.
- Parity: none.
- Stop Bits: 1.
- Flow Control: no selection.
- Click Connect.
Now you can log in to your hardware device as root. Use the admin password for verification.