Exporting, printing and scheduling reports

Monitoring reports can be exported as a PDF document, saved as a scheduled report, or can be printed directly from the Web UI. The following icons appear on the top-right of the interface:

  • Print: Clicking on the Printer icon will open a new browser window and format the current report suitable for printing. It will then prompt you to select a printer.


The print option is not available from the new application, subnet, and virtual circuitlogical definitions that partition a a physical network circuit and used to determine what traffic passes through it and how much monitoring pages.

  • Schedule PDF: Clicking on the schedule icon will save the report configuration to the scheduled reports. It will prompt you for a report name, the scheduled frequency, the email addresses to send it to, and optionally a password if you choose to password protect the PDF.
  • PDF: Clicking on the PDF icon will render the current report as a PDF document and prompt you to save or open the PDF file once complete.


Printed report and PDF reports may appear slightly different from the reports displayed on the Web UI.