Optimizer Policy Tree

All network behavior that you need to modify is specified by policies in the optimizer. This includes traffic shaping, prioritization, acceleration, and packet marking. These policies are arranged hierarchically in a tree so that you can assign different policy rules to different types of traffic on your network. The hierarchy consists of circuits, virtual circuits, policy sets, and policy rules. Note that policy sets are a concept within EMCExinda Management Center, SaaS service to centrally monitor and configure multiple Exinda appliances only; they do not exist on Network Orchestrator appliances. The tree is processed in a top-to-bottom order, so the policies on traffic are applied accordingly.

Policy sent to the appliance is dependent on Circuit Type

When the Optimizer Policy Tree is assigned to an appliance group, generally, all appliance groups that are nested under that group inherit the Optimizer Policy Tree. In which case, a message area above the Policy Tree indicates that the tree is inherited. If you do not want child appliance groups to inherit the tree, you can stop the inheritance.

All the appliances within a group will potentially receive that Policy Tree when the policy is sent. An appliance receives the Policy Tree configuration that corresponds to its bridge/circuit type mapping.


Consider a Policy Tree with three circuits, Internet, MPLS, and Voice, where the circuits map to Circuit Types of the same name. For example, Internet maps to a circuit type named "Internet". Now consider an appliance (within this Policy Tree's appliance group) that has its two bridges mapped to only two of these circuits: br10 to Internet, and br20 to MPLS. When the configuration is sent to this appliance, the circuit "Internet" is mapped to the appliance's bridge br10 and the circuit "MPLS" is mapped to the appliance's bridge br20. The "Voice" circuit is not be sent to the appliance as there is not a matching circuit type.

Policy sets can be reused in multiple Virtual Circuits

Policy sets are a concept within the EMC only. You can create a named policy set then apply the policy set to multiple virtual circuits. All virtual circuits using the policy set then have exactly the same policy.

Everything references a library item

Within a tenant, the EMC treats everything as a librarythe Exinda repository for network objects and their definitions item so that the configuration components can be reused. When you modify a library item, everywhere it is used is also affected. For example, when you create and reuse a virtual circuitlogical definitions that partition a a physical network circuit and used to determine what traffic passes through it and how much, whenever that virtual circuit is changed, all instances of its use are also changed.

Required objects will automatically be queued to be sent

When policy rules or virtual circuits use objects in their definitions, such as network objects or schedules, then those objects are automatically added to the configuration that must be sent to the appliances.

All other uses of the Policy Tree and its components are the same as on the appliance itself.