
A group is a collection of user accounts, contacts and other groups that can be managed as a single unit. Users belonging to a particular group are referred to as group members.

To configure groups, go to Manage > Groups.

The list of groups is displayed in the left pane. The right pane shows names and email addresses of group members in a selected group.

Click next to a particular group and select the action to perform.

Option Description
Edit Group

Edit the Group's properties in the right-pane. When editing is complete, click Save to apply changes or Discard Changes to cancel any modifications applied. For more information refer to Edit group details.

Remove Group Delete the Group from the list of Groups. Removed Groups are not recoverable and settings are lost irrevocably. For more information refer to Removing Groups.

Administrators with full access

When GFI Directory is installed, a default group called GFI Administrators is configured by default. Users added to this group will have access to manage users and groups.