Licensing and registering Kerio Control

Deciding on the number of users (licenses)

Kerio Control is licensed as a server. The admin account and five user accounts are included in the basic license. Additional users can be added in packages of five.

A user is defined as a person who is permitted to connect to Kerio Control. Each user can connect from up to five different devices represented by IP addresses, including VPNVirtual private network - A network that enables users connect securely to a private network over the Internet. clients. Guests and their devices are exempted from the licensing system. For more information refer to Configuring the guest network.

If a user tries to connect from more than five devices at a time, this requires an additional user license.

Current license usage is displayed in the administration interface on the Dashboard.


Kerio Control does not limit the number of defined user accounts. However, if the maximum number of currently authenticated users is reached, no more users can connect.

Licenses, optional components, and Software Maintenance

Kerio Control has the following optional components:

  • Kerio Antivirus
  • Kerio Control Web Filter module for web page ratings

These components are licensed individually.

Software Maintenance

The Software Maintenance agreement lets you update the software. If your Software Maintenance expires, you can continue using the existing version of the product, but you cannot install any updates released after the expiration date. Learn more at

Registering Kerio Control in the administration interface

If you skip the registration in the Activation Wizard, you can register Kerio Control from the Dashboard in the administration interface (displayed after each login).

Once it is installed, the product can be registered as a trial or full version.

If your trial version is registered, the license file is automatically imported to your product within 24 hours of purchase. The Trial ID you entered in your product upon registration is then activated as a standard license number.

If you have not registered your trial version:

  1. Open the administration interface.
  2. On the Dashboard, click Configuration Assistant.

  1. In the Configuration Assistant dialog box, click Register product. For more information refer to Configuring the Activation Wizard.

Registering Kerio Control via the Internet

If you purchased a license and your Kerio Control cannot access the Internet, follow these steps to register the product:

  1. In a browser, go to
  2. Register using your purchased license number.
  3. You can then download a license key (the licence.key file, including the corresponding certificate), which must be imported to Kerio Control.

Importing the license key

  1. Prepare the file with the license.
  2. Open the administration interface.
  3. On the Dashboard, click Configuration Assistant.
  4. Click Register product. For more information refer to Configuring the Activation Wizard.

You can check to be sure the license was installed successfully in the License section of the Dashboard.

Transferring the license

You can transfer the license between:

  • Two virtual appliances
  • Two software appliances
  • A virtual appliance and a software appliance
  • Two hardware appliances of the same type (if you are replacing equipment)


You cannot transfer the license between hardware appliances and software/virtual appliances or between two different types of hardware appliances.

For example: You can transfer a license from one Kerio Control NG100 to another Kerio Control NG100, but you cannot transfer a license from Kerio Control NG100 to Kerio Control NG500.

Transfer the configuration using the built-in export and import feature. For more information refer to Configuration Assistant.

During the installation, register the same license number using the Activation Wizard. After registering the license on the appliance, uninstall the original Kerio Control.


Uninstall the old system. You cannot use the same license on multiple systems.