Why do I see ’IP address x.x.x.x rejected: too many connections’ in the warning log?

This message, Connection attempt to service IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol - One of the two most commonly used Internet standard protocols for e-mail retrieval, the other being POP3. from IP addressAn identifier assigned to devices connected to a TCP/IP network. x.x.x.x rejected: too many connections. Connection limit is 100, indicates that the IMAP service in Kerio Connect has received the maximum number of allowed connections per IP address. This may occur NAT scenarios, where Kerio Connect receives all of the connections from a single IP address. The max connections per IP setting is not adjustable from within the Administration Console. For this reason, our recommendation is to contact technical support so that we may assist you in resolving this issue.

Please visit our support center to submit a ticket to technical support.