Kerio Open Directory Extension

How to use Kerio Open Directory Extension

When you install Kerio Open Directory Extension into the Apple Open Directory and items containing specific Kerio Connect information are added to Open Directory.

User account will be managed in one place — in Apple Open Directory.

How to install Kerio Open Directory Extension

Download Kerio Open Directory Extension at the Kerio Connect product pages.

It can be installed on supported operating systems using a standard installation wizard.


When using configurations of Mac OS X servers of Master/Replica type, Kerio Open Directory Extension must be installed to the "master" server, as well as to all "replica" servers, otherwise the account mapping will not work.

If the configuration is as follows:

  • you use Kerio Open Directory Extension 6.6 and newer,
  • servers run on OS X 10.5.3 and newer,
  • Replica servers were created after installation of Kerio Open Directory Extension on the "master" server,

then "replica" servers download the extension automatically from the "master" server during the creation process.

If you install Kerio Open Directory Extension on "replica" servers by hand, the configuration will not be affected.

Setting user account mapping in Kerio Connect

In Mac OS X Server, no other settings than Kerio Open Directory Extension installation are usually necessary.


The usernames must be in ASCII. If the username includes special characters or symbols, it might happen that the user cannot log in.

In Kerio Connect the following settings must be specified:


If you encounter any problems during KODE installation, view/save the log during the installation process (View Log/Save Log File).