
The reports area provides information about the operation of the GFI OneGuard Antivirus component, performance of each scan task, update task, and vulnerability scan task.

To view reports:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the upper part of the main application window, click Reports.

GFI OneGuard Antivirus reports

  1. To generate a report, use the following options:
Option Description
System Audit Contains information about events occurring during the interaction between the user and the application and in the course of application operation in general.
All Protection Components

Information about events that are logged in the course of operation of the GFI OneGuard Antivirus Agent.

File Antivirus

Contains information about events that occur during the operation of the File Antivirus component.

Update Click to view only update tasks.
Scan Tasks Click to view a list of scan tasks.
Show period

Use the drop down list to display events by one of the following:

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Year
  • Entire Period
Show importance

Click the icons to display information according to importance. Available options are:

  • - Displays information events that do not normally contain important information.
  • - Click to show Important events that need attention because they reflect important situations in the operation of GFI OneGuard Antivirus Agent.
  • - Click to show events of critical importance that indicate problems in the operation of GFI OneGuard Antivirus Agent or vulnerabilities in protection of the user's computer.
  1. Click Save report to save a copy of the displayed information.
  2. Select the character encoding of the report. Options are:
  1. Save as ANSI
  2. Save as Unicode
  1. In the Save as window, specify the destination folder for the report file.
  2. In the File name field, type the report file name.
  3. In the File type field, select the necessary report file format: TXT or CSV.
  4. Click Save.