How GFI Archiver works with Microsoft Office 365

GFI Archiver with Microsoft Office 365 can be deployed in 2 ways:

  • Using a Mail flow - BCC the message to rule - GFI Archiver uses a dedicated mailbox configured in Microsoft Office 365 to act as a journaling mailbox. GFI Archiver archives all emails copied to this mailbox. This is possible by setting a forwarding rule on Exchange Online, to BCC all incoming and outgoing email to this mailbox. GFI Archiver connects to this mailbox to monitor new emails and transfer them to the archive store database. For more information refer to Setting up a Microsoft Office 365 Journaling Mailbox.
  • Using a Journaling rule and an external journal mailbox - Microsoft Office 365 also offers a native journaling facility, but this requires a non-Microsoft Office 365 email account as the journaling destination. This complicates the set-up when compared to the BCC rule as it involves a third party. This method is suggested when deploying GFI Archiver in a hybrid environment, for example where you have mailboxes both on Exchange and on Microsoft Office 365. For more information refer to Step 1: Setting up a 3rd Party Mailbox in Microsoft Office 365.

Advantages and disadvantages:



Using a Mail flow - Bcc the message to rule This mode can be used with a journal mailbox within Microsoft Office 365 or with an external one.
  • This method does not capture BCC information (similar to Exchange 2003 "Message-only journaling" -
  • Depending on the settings under Mailboxes to Archive, such emails might get deleted without being archived at all
Using a Journaling rule and an external journal mailbox This method captures BCC information (similar to Exchange's envelope journaling).