Customizing the Kerio Phone login page

Adding your custom logo

To change a logo of your login page:

  1. In the administration interface, go to Configuration > Advanced Options > Login Page.
  2. Select the Use custom logo on login page option.
  3. Click Change and locate the new logo file. The logo must be in the PNG format. The recommended maximum size is 325 x 80 pixels.
  4. Click Apply to save your settings.

Configuring your custom button style

To change a style of a button:

  1. In the administration interface, go to Configuration > Advanced Options > Login Page.
  2. Select the Use custom button style option.
  3. Type a color's hex value for Text color (for example, #ffffff).
  4. Type a color's hex value for Background color (for example, #669900).
  5. Click Apply to save your settings.

Adding your custom text

To add a text to your login page:

  1. In the administration interface, go to Configuration > Advanced Options > Login Page.
  2. Select the Add the following text to the page (supports HTML) option.
  3. Type your text (for example, In case of emergency issues, call 555-1234).

  1. Click Apply to save your settings.