30kerio::web::ByteValueWithUnitswatchdogHardLimit; ///< If the available disk space falls below this value, Kerio MailServer is stopped and an error message is displayed. Administrator's action is required.
69 KoffUPolicyAskVoluntary, ///< Ask user for each version change and do not allow the update.
70 KoffUPolicyAskRequired, ///< Ask user for each version change and require the update.
71 KoffUPolicyAlwaysSilent, ///< Do update for each version change. Update silently when Outlook starts. Ask users when Outlook is running and require update.
72 KoffUPolicyOnStartSilent, ///< default, available in WebAdmin. Do update for each version change. Update silently when Outlook starts. When Outlook is running do nothing and wait for next Outlook start.
73 KoffUPolicyOnlyIfNecessaryAsk, ///< Update only if necessary. Ask users and require the update.
74 KoffUPolicyOnlyIfNecessarySilent ///< available in WebAdmin, Update only if necessary. Update silently when Outlook starts. Ask users when Outlook is running and require update.