Updating account details

GFI personnel uses the information stored in the account details to contact the clients to inform about new product releases, problems with the system, press releases, etc.

Keep this information up-to-date to ensure an open channel of communication is available at all times.

The GFI Accounts Portal allows customer to edit their details easily.

To change your contact information:

  1. Login to the GFI Accounts Portal.
  2. Go to Accounts > Account Info.
  3. Click the icon.
  4. Click Edit Details.
  5. Edit the following fields:
Field Description
Company Edit the company name.
Website Edit the URL of your website.
Firstname Edit the first name of your main contact.
Lastname Edit the family name of your main contact.

Select one of the following options:

  • Billing. A billing contact is responsible for purchases. When your account is set up, you are labeled as a billing contact by default.
  • Renewal. This is the contact who should receive renewal updates from GFI.
  • Technical. A contact that is member of the technical support team.
  • Marketing. A contact that is member of the marketing team.
Email Enter the email address of your main contact.




Edit the contact number of your main contact.




Zip Code

Edit the address of your company. These details are used for billing purposes.
  1. Click Save Details.