Creating a new account

GFI partners can create new accounts for their customers. This is useful when a partner is registering an opportunity. The form requires them to provide the customer ID, which requires the customer to have a GFI account, which would be created by the partner. Or if the customer is requesting to purchase a product and they do not yet have a GFI account, then it should be created by the partner.

To create a new account:

  1. Login to the GFI Accounts Portal.
  2. Go to Manage > Customers.
  3. Click Add account.

New account fields

  1. Type in the account's details:
Field Description
First name Type the name of the main contact for the new account.
Last name Type the surname of the user entered above.
Email Enter the email address of the main contact for the account.
Telephone Enter the telephone number of the main contact.
Mobile No Type in the mobile number of the main contact
Fax Enter a fax number where to contact the user.
Company Enter the company's name.
Address Type in the main address of the company.
Country Select a country from the drop-down menu.
City Enter the city name.
ZipCode Enter the zip code.
Vat/Tax Type in the tax number of the company
Website Enter the web site of the company if available.
  1. Click Create.

The partner then needs to inform the client to access, use the email address as username and reset the password.