GFI Prime
At GFI Software, we appreciate our loyal customers. To show our appreciation, we developed a loyalty program to generously reward you with a host of special deals, offers and solutions available to all who qualify.
If you have been a GFI customer for more than one year, you are eligible to become a part of the GFI program GFI Prime members is able to access a select group of GFI products from our GFI software solutions for free.
Find out if you qualify for these special deals today.
To check your entitlement:
- Login to the GFI Accounts Portal.
- Go to Account > GFI Prime.
GFI Prime entitlement
- Click Claim Prime Product under Available GFI Prime Vouchers. The button does not exist, if you are not entitled.
- Select one of the available Prime products under Select the GFI Prime product to claim.
- Click OK.
Claimed vouchers are listed under the Claimed GFI Prime Vouchers section.
For further information about the GFI Prime initiative visit