Changing General Settings

Specify the administrator email address and email server details for notifications:

1. Select Configuration tab and click General Settings.

2. Click General Settings.

General Settings

3. Perform all the required modifications from the list of available options.

Option Description
Administrator email address

Defines the administrator email address where important notifications are sent.

SMTP Server

Defines the SMTP server used by GFI Archiver to send notifications and to restore emails from Archive Store.

Port Number

Defines the port number over which GFI Archiver will communicate to the SMTP server. Default value: 25


Instructs GFI Archiver to connect and communicate with the SMTP Server using SSL.

The SMTP requires authentication

Instructs GFI Archiver to connect to the SMTP server using a username and a password. The username and password fields are automatically displayed if this option is chosen.

4. Click Save to save new setup.

5. Click Send a test email to confirm that details are correct.