
HeaderValue retrieves the value of the Header from the HTTPHeaders Object.


HeaderValue (VARIANT index)


  • Index is a string or long value
  • String value will be used if you want to retrieve a value when given the header name (example: Server). HeaderValue can also be retrieved given an index. The valid range for this index is between 0 and the number of headers.

A String containing the value of the header.


This script will print out the name of the HTTP server:

Function Main

Dim HTTPObj as Object

Dim headers as Object

ip = "www.gfi.org"

port = 80

cr = Chr(13) + Chr(10)

Set HTTPobj = HTTP.Connect (ip,port)

'Set up the request type


HTTPobj.verb = "HEAD"

'Send the HEAD request

HTTPResponse = HTTPobj.SendRequest ()

'Set new Object called headers

Set headers = HTTPobj.ResponseHeaders

'HTTPResponse contains the return code

echo "Result: " + cstr(HTTPResponse) + cr

echo "Server running on " + ip + " is " + headers.HeaderValue("server") + cr

End Function