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webadmin::IpTools Member List

This is the complete list of members for webadmin::IpTools, including all inherited members.

dns(in string name, in string server, in DnsTool tool, in DnsType type) (defined in webadmin::IpTools)webadmin::IpTools
getDnsServers(out kerio::web::StringList servers) (defined in webadmin::IpTools)webadmin::IpTools
getStatus(out ActiveTool activeTool, out kerio::web::StringList lines)webadmin::IpTools
ping(in string target, in IpVersion ipv, in boolean infinite, in long packetSize, in boolean allowFragmentation)webadmin::IpTools
traceRoute(in string target, in IpVersion ipv, in boolean resolveHostnames)webadmin::IpTools
whois(in string target) (defined in webadmin::IpTools)webadmin::IpTools