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kerio::web::Logs Member List

This is the complete list of members for kerio::web::Logs, including all inherited members.

cancelSearch(in string searchId)kerio::web::Logs
clear(in LogType logName)kerio::web::Logs
exportLog(out Download fileDownload, in LogType logName, in long fromLine, in long countLines, in ExportFormat type)kerio::web::Logs
exportLogRelative(out Download fileDownload, in LogType logName, in long fromLine, in long countLines, in ExportFormat type)kerio::web::Logs
get(out LogRowList viewport, out long totalItems, in LogType logName, in long fromLine, in long countLines)kerio::web::Logs
getHighlightRules(out HighlightRules rules)kerio::web::Logs
getLogSet(out LogSet logSet)kerio::web::Logs
getMessages(out TreeLeafList messages)kerio::web::Logs
getSearchProgress(out LogRowList viewport, out long firstLine, out long totalItems, out SearchStatus status, out long percentage, in long countLines, in string searchId)kerio::web::Logs
getSettings(out LogSettings currentSettings, in LogType logName)kerio::web::Logs
search(out string searchId, in LogType logName, in string what, in long fromLine, in long toLine, in boolean forward)kerio::web::Logs
setHighlightRules(in HighlightRules rules)kerio::web::Logs
setMessages(in TreeLeafList messages)kerio::web::Logs
setSettings(in LogType logName, in LogSettings newSettings)kerio::web::Logs