
AddHeader modifies an initiated request to add, delete or modify an existing header.


AddHeader (STRING name, STRING value)


  • Name is a string (example: Content-Type). If the name already exists, the value of that name will be overwritten with the value specified.
  • Value is a string (example: text/html). If the value is empty the header will be deleted if it exists.
Return Value

No data returned.


This script will modify some headers in an attempt to launch a Cross Site Scripting attack on log file parsers:

Function Main

Dim HTTPObj As Object

Dim headers As Variant

ip = ""

port = 80

cr = Chr(13) + Chr(10)

XSSTest = "<script>alert('The new GFI LanGuard features detection of Cross Site Scripting Detection')</script>"

Set HTTPobj = HTTP.Connect (ip,port)

'headers to try

headers = Array ( "Host", "User-Agent", "Accept", "X-Header1" , "X-Proxy", "Cookie" )


HTTPobj.Authentication = 1

'a loop for each header which might be used to

'inject XSS signature. Send a request every time

For a = LBound(headers) To UBound(headers)


HTTPobj.AddHeader headers(a), XSSTest

'Send the GET request with our custom headers

HTTPResponse = HTTPobj.SendRequest ()

echo CStr(a) + " result: " + CStr(HTTPResponse)+cr


End Function